Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Cleaning Tips for New Roomates

- it is possible to keep everyone from knowing your on the rag if you actually wipe the blood off the toilet seats

-you can avoid weeks of disgust by simply mopping the dog piss off the floor

-the fantastic colour of the marble floor really comes out if you ash cigarettes and joints not around the tray, but in it.

-if a rough schedule for taking out the garbage is hard to hammer out with the roommates, an excellent timing indicator is the rotting juice that eventually forms around the bottom of the garbage bag

-a good way to show your appreciation for a job well done is to avoid walking over a freshly mopped floor in sand caked shoes

-carrying that bucket of your overcooked, three week leftovers all the way to the door does not actually mean that it’s been taken care of

- while the effort to cook and actually make use of our minimal kitchen is appreciated, it would be better were you to actually eat what was cooked, as opposed to letting in biodegrade in a pot for a week

- you’ll feel much better the morning after if you actually empty the garbage bin you used to throw up in

- sweeping every four or five days is not actually considered “excessive” in most households.

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